beardless wheat hay vs alfalfa

OK Corral, a new beardless wheat variety, has been released by Oklahoma State University's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, with seed available through Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks. Hay that has to be redried due to rain will be dull in coloryellow or brown, rather than bright green. 2016 by Cliff from Arlington, Virginia, USA. Oats are classified in the division Magnoliophyta , class Liliopsida, order Cyperales, family Gramineae. 8 Surprising Factors That Impact Auction Prices For Beef Calves, 80+ Photos Of Our Favorite Calves & Cowboys. She isn't overweight or underweight. Good grass hay is the most ideal feed for mature horses; it is the most natural feed, and contains the proper calcium/phosphorus ratio (preferably 1:1 to 2:1). Crude Fiber (max). Good hay will be uniformly green and sweet smelling, with no brown spots or moldy portions. 2. post . In some areas, foxtail or German millet are used as horse forage. The horses age, activity level, breed, and stage of life can all have a tremendous affect on the amount of feed that they require. Its soft stem is really good for young calves, he says. As a rule of thumb, leafy hays have higher nutritional value than stemmier hays. LOL. Alfalfa has two to three times as much calcium as grass hays. Here is more on goat minerals: EquiMed and Horse Health Matters are registered trademarks of EquiMed, LLC. We also carry round bales, alfalfa cubes, alfalfa pellets, and straw. In 2015, high levels of nitrates were reported in many cereal grains such as oats, rye, wheat and barley, among others, as well as some forages such as bromegrass, fescue, sorghum and sudangrass. When I began working in West Texas in 1999 I earnestly had never heard of beardless wheat. Straw from more mature cereal grains can be fed to horses almost exclusively as a fiber source. Rain can ruin baled hay by causing mold. 300 Bales Available. The chief value of oats remains as a pasturage and hay crop, especially for horses. Jobs. There is no one-size-fits-all diet for goats or horses, and really you should not have a single horse or goat. Thus alfalfa is often fed to animals that need more protein and minerals. This results in a desirable quality hay. Ive always had a hard time discriminating between hay types. Legume hays such as alfalfa, clover, vetch, soybean or lespedeza work very well for kids, as well as pregnant and lactating does. However, some types of mold may cause abortion in pregnant cows. Unless you are buying directly out of the field after baling, try to buy hay that has been protected from weather by a tarp or hay shed. Score: 4.1/5 (26 votes) . 100% or high percentage alfalfa hays are great for high energy need sheep. Legume hays (alfalfa and clover) contain 12% to 20% protein. oral problems in cattle if the heads are fully developed and mature," said. If you are living in Utah, here are two suppliers you can choose from. They also have access to as much browse as they can get and grass hay. makes their horses too hot. Alfalfa Hay This hay has many things compared to Timothy hay. Texas A&M AgriLife (Trostle) discusses examples of forage quality as well as tips for producing, selling, buying, and storing different forages in a new PowerPoint that examines these issues from several viewpoints. Im a total newbie & am trying to prepare myself as best as I can before we get our first (does for milking) next year. The Hay Wars: The Truth About Grass Hay vs. Alfalfa Hay,, Every farm is different, which is why I always explain the WHY between the WHAT in my articles. FX 1001 Triticale, for example, is defined as a "nearly beardless" variety. Factors that can affect nutritional value include plant species in the hay, fertility of soil, harvesting methods (whether the hay was conditioned or crimped to dry faster and lose less leaves and nutrients during drying) and curing time. Sign up for free now! With this in mind, check out our previous blog posting here and here regarding how to feed your horse, and always measure the amount of feed that is right for your specific situation. Barley is subject to several diseases including smut and rust. Alfalfa may have twice the protein and three times the level of calcium than grass hay. In other outlets I have discussed the grain yield drag that typically occurs with beardless wheats in grain production. Fescue - Orchard - Bermuda - Bahia - Alfalfa Steel Buildings - Hay Storage - Equipment Storage - Grain Storage For example, some growers expecting 80-100 bu. Annual cereal plant (Hordeum vulgareand sometimes other species) of the family Gramineae (grass family), cultivated by man probably as early as any cereal. Beardless TAM 401 wheat with early grain development. Forage quality of any typesummer annual grasses like sorghum/sudan, winter small grains, annual legumes, and perennial grassesdeclines with maturity. Even if the outer edge of a bale has faded from sun exposure and rain, the inside should still be green. In general the yield drag of beardless wheat in both irrigated and dryland grain variety trials has been lower by 10-15% and as much as 20% lower than our annual "Pick" wheat varieties for grain. In order to know the true NSC value of your hay you will have to test it, but understanding the factors . Wheat species crossbreed relatively frequently in nature. The Calcium in Alfalfa is higher, but the Phosphorus is about the same as grass hay, which could lead to an imbalance in the diet of a given horse. Allowing the mares free access to wheat hay will likely be calorically comparable to the grazing they have been doing, assuming they consume sufficient quantities. If your mares do not already receive a fortified concentrate or a balancer pellet to top-off nutrient needs, choose a well-formulated vitamin and mineral supplement to augment your mares diets. While grass hay is lower in protein and calcium it is still a great source of feed for most horses. Wheat hay can have an 18% protein content, is very palatable, and has a sweet taste that cattle enjoy; in comparison to alfalfa, which can cost $100-$120 per ton in many cases, wheat hay can cost $50-$60 per ton. Oat straw is generally considered best since it is softer and does not have the awns that are on barley and some wheat straw. The nutrition the horse needs, the cost of the hay, and the availability of the feed needs to be carefully balanced to make owning a horse possible for many people. Four months is good but three months would be better. 4x4.5 Horse Hay (Delivering to DFW) Quality clean . Im glad you find it helpful! Real Estate. If junk is ok for the goats then that is fine, just checking if it would be fine. or moldy. All Rights Reserved. While horses can tolerate nitrate levels up to 2 percent, it is best to have the hay tested before being fed. Mature beef cattle can get by on rather plain hay of any type but lactating cows will need adequate protein. bend > for sale > farm & garden - by owner. They prefer grass hay with a little alfalfa. They provide the following recommendations for triticale grain fed to horses: Limit the cereal grain to not more than 500g per 100kg body weight per meal, or not more than 4g of starch per kg body weight per meal. Oat hulls are a source of furfural , and oat flour has been used as a food preservative in ice cream and other dairy products. If you dont have any type of roof to put your hay under, you can create a well-drained area (by building up the floor with gravel or wooden pallets) and cover the stack with tarps. Compressed Alfalfa Bale - $430. Table 1. A small amount of alfalfa, or a commercial protein supplement, can provide the needed protein, minerals and vitamins. If youre sitting there thinking that youve seen oat straw before, you may have! 11% protein. There are a number of considerations participants in the forage production, marketing, and utilization that individuals can do to enhance the benefit as a grower or user. In addition, most cereal grain hays are at a maturity that translates to fiber levels that are often less palatable. If grain hay is overly mature, which is often the case, horses may act disinterested in the hay and might not voluntarily consume it as readily as other grass hays to which they are more accustomed. The only silver lining might be having a buyer that would never pay for higher forage quality, so you can grow higher tonnage of beardless wheat that can still be safely fed. Either pick it up or drag the pasture to spread the manure so it will decompose more quickly. I do not believe I would feed regular wheat hay, because the beards can cause problems/soreness with the cattle's mouths, and can knock them off feed as a result. All my goats used to get alfalfa, until I took your Goats 101 course (which I highly recommend!). Required fields are marked *. At 45 days old, 21 yak calf males were divided into . This year's monsoon season was wetter than normal, and many growers missed out on . NSC - average of 22.1% As cereal grain hay matures, the grain seeds separate and the result is more straw than hay. Oat straw is the most palatable; cattle like it quite well. Dry adult does, bucks and wethers can wind up with zinc deficiency if they get too much alfalfa. Ive also been adding Standlee alfalfa pellets to my milk goats grain for additional insurance ever since they started selling them in our area about ten years ago. During the cold winter months when pastures contain scant forage, hay is the typical diet for cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Even though it is mostly done out west. In oats there is no issue with beards, but the trends of increasing forage dry matter and decreasing forage feed value raise the question of what is the optimum time to mow the oats. Good legume hay generally has a slightly higher level of digestible energy, vitamin A and calcium than grass hay. Wheat Hay-Beardless. Abe's Hay 'n' Feed Wheat/oat/barley hay Small Grains 248-7329. Fig. I would love to try the hay forage! Traditional feeds for horses include grass or alfalfa hay, corn, oats, a sweet feed of some type or commercially developed feed. Fair alfalfa hay $175 to $185, 775 tons overgrown or high moisture $160 to $165. Wheat hay, if harvested right, can fit the bill, just like it does for stockers and other cattle in winter grazing programs. Because beardless wheat is customarily viewed as something that you can let head out to a more advanced stage of maturity,growers and feeders are unwittingly accepting lower forage quality. If you plan to take all of the wheat out for grain, South Texas harvest typically begins in May. Someone else left a comment about a class you offer, how do I sign up? For the lower price, producers can receive a good forage that can provide vital nutrients. Typically, fresh green pasture does just that, and many baled hays can meet these needs as well. This means that you should only feed green, immature barley hay as the awns haven't had the chance to dry and become hardened. The principal diseases are rust and smut. Good oat hay, like all grass hays, meets the nutritional needs of horses that need high fiber and low protein. Wheat grass is a kind of grass (actually there are several of them) and they are a kind of grass that has tiny grass seeds rather than . Alfalfa Hay is also higher in Calcium, with about 3 times as much as Grass Hay. Oh, and as a long time horse owner, I totally agree with you about not giving alfalfa to horses. A minor amount of wheat is used as a coffee substitute, especially in Europe, and wheat starch is employed as a sizing for textile fabrics. The leading wheat-producing states in the United States are North Dakota, Kansas, Montana, and Oklahoma. No sweet feed or grain ever. First-cut alfalfa can be stemmy, but only if it is too mature when harvested. Russell Feed & Supply also stocks a variety of shavings: Large flake shavings- 8 cu. Haybet hay barley. First off, for the sake of our discussion, we will be using some generalizations that are well accepted in the equine nutrition community. In addition the maturity of the cereal grain hay need to be considered because the seed heads of cereal grain hays provide an unknown, relative to nonstructural carbohydrate intake of a horse. This product is available between April-August. In test trials 97% of the heads (9,700 out of 10,000) were completely beardless. Often oats (used with a sing. Use your nose as well as your eyes. Important factors to keep in mind for horse hay are the nutritional needs of the animals (mature horses will not need high protein or calcium levels unless they are mares nursing foals), and the way the hay was harvested. Alfalfa has about 16 to 20 percent protein, while grass hays are only 8 to 10 percent protein. Depending on the area of the country in which it is grown, oat hay can be low in protein and contain only marginal calcium, phosphorus and carotene." "Oat hay is best cut when the oat seed is out of the milk stage and into the dough. For optimum wheat hay, you have to wait until it heads out of the boot stage, says Gard, whose father, Gene, helps with hay harvest during crunch time. Alfalfa hay. when fed the hay, Hollis said. For pregnant or lactating mares, or young growing horses, some legume hay added to the diet provides the additional protein and higher levels of other nutrients needed. I think if it is cut late, you could say it is grain since the grain will be in the heads. Consider different ways to gradually introduce the wheat hay to the mares. range seen this spring and summer, more wheat is harvested for grain, whether cattle were grazed on it or not. $ 0.45 lb. I mostly give my goats grass hay, as that is what I have available. Young calves have tender mouths and cannot chew coarse hay very wellwhether grass or alfalfa. Oat Wheat & Barley Nutritional Information Quantity is per pound. Opinions as to which should be fed, when, and what is the right mixture of the two if they are combined. It is less apt to contain blister beetles (which are deadly if eaten), and it often has a little grass mixed in. See More @ Meadow, Texas "2021 Beardless wheat, clean irrigated & fertilized. Remains of both emmer and einkorn wheats have been found by archaeologists working on sites in the Middle East dating from the 7th millennium BC. This mea. %%EOF Moisture (max).. 14.0%. Immature grass hay or leafy alfalfa is usually the best feed for sheep. Nutritional Value of Hay Yes wheat hay is good for horses. Good palatable grass hay, cut while still green and growing, can be very adequate. We are new to both goats and sheep and are learning quickly what they will eat or not. Husband has just told me that the hay barley has no beards on them. Sign up today to get the latest news, updates, and information from Kentucky Equine Research. Leaving a comment is one way to enter the giveaway. Now our buck is losing patches of hair, I believe from zinc deficiency from alfalfa. spring Beardless Wheat. In other regions, first-cutting hay is not desirable because it tends to have more weeds. You may need different qualities of hay for different horsesleafy hay for weanlings, for instance, and more mature hay for adult horses that do not need such fine hay. Clover hay is the other legume hay suitable for horses but not as popular with horse owners. User Agreement and Privacy Policy. They let it keep growing until the seed heads mature, and then they let the entire plant dry before harvesting the seeds with a combine. (Photo courtesy Dr. Jackie Rudd, Amarillo, TX). The later cuttings will have the finest stems, growing more slowly during the cooler fall season. , minerals and vitamins horses include grass or alfalfa hay, http: // https... Rain will be uniformly green and growing, can provide vital nutrients sweet smelling, with about 3 times much... 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beardless wheat hay vs alfalfa