2 hour commute twice a week

The San Francisco Bay area is similar, even with having many more public transport options. Totally my own fault, I know. I was going to suggest to the OP to bike, but 30 miles would take just as long unless youre a super competitive cyclist (in which case youre going to show up to work all sweaty). Its weird that your boyfriends response is, everybodys doing it (we arent, I promise.). It's quite a chunk out of your day. My parents are the same waysmall city folk who come to visit in my mid-size city and are like, Do we HAVE to drive downtown? And when Im home they encourage me not to go places during rush hour, which equals just steady, moving traffic. That was one train ride with a walk on both ends. In theory, you can have densely packed cars drive. Alternately, you could do the South Bay (San Pedro/Palos Verde/Torrence/Manhattan Beach). That sound horrible. . and they NEVER LISTEN. Yeah, if it was breezing through traffic at least but nope. Once we live 20 min from his work, he can be responsible for drop off or pick up (or both!!! Now my commute is 25 minutes on one bus. I considered that a good commute it was the shortest one I had the whole time I lived there. In LA, you have the option to pick a different location for either your home or your job. At my last job, I had also had a ten minute commute on foot. Occasionally I catch a bit of traffic heading out of my city, but Im going the opposite direction of most commuters so its rarely too bad. my commute could be as short as 20 minutesat midnight when no one else was driving. I think your commute is longer than average for LA standards. Most people I know live within 10-15 miles of their job in my city, but it will still take them an hour to an hour and a half. East Bay, Walnut Creek, Concord, Tri-Valley area to San Jose/Peninsula is easily 2 hours. If youre not comfortable alone in the park-and-ride, coordinate with boyfriend for drop-off and/or pick-up. I struggle with understanding why more people on the road means everyone drives slower. I took it just to go visit someone. That said, your 'training is done' and you've not got to go out again after work. They both decided that we should get off the highway and go the backroads, which, of course, was probably one of the worst neighborhoods and were driving a rented Camaro convertible. My husband worked in Culver City. Ive lived in Orange County for 35 years. I miss some things about city life, but I dont miss city commutes, and I will have to be living somewhere amazing to go back to that kind of lifestyle. I was living at home with my parents saving up and my 30K starting salary was not nearly enough for an apartment on my own. I do 1:15 to 1:30 one way three times a week, and most people I know think thats pretty horrible. I would say if you love your try, try to relocate. LA was not, and became a big city as autos became something that everybody could afford. (Spoiler, the answer is yesnot that anyone who has driven on congested hwys didnt already know this). But it is getting worse. I am NOT a commuter and the absolute max for me would be half hour. It made a huge difference for me. LA would only be about 100k, but F that. Google that it hurt me just to hear her talk about it. Walk. However, I used to commute down to South Lake Union every day, and the commute was easily 2 hours each way, sometimes longer. I decided to move to a location thats 20 minutes by bus from work. In my last semester of college in Sacramento in the mid 1970s, I lived in San Francisco with my boyfriend and commuted the 90 miles each day. I live 15 miles from all directions from Boston. When I worked (and lived, lucky me) in Fremont CA, pretty much everyone else that I knew who worked there had a totally garbage commute because housing there is so ridiculous. And its been getting progressively worse. Old job was against traffic, current one iskind of across it. If youre lucky and manage to live downtown (because you get paid enough / have rent control and moved in before rent costs skyrocketed) and have a job downtown, you can estimate 30 to 40 minutes, depending on how you get to work. For some years, I commuted from the SFV (San Fernando Valley) to the SGV. No wonder. My 3 mile commute takes me a full hour on SF Muni! I put up with my commute because my previous local job was incredibly toxic and I feel incredibly grateful to have found a workplace where I and my role are respected and valued, and I have opportunities for progression and professional development. how much social media use at work is too much? Remote work is the wave of the future, and eliminating 4 hour round-trip commutes are one of the many reasons why. My sister in laws father lives in Calabasas and thats his typical commute. Ultimately I moved walking distance from work, have a 20 min walk and 5 min drive. At least with my commute it is just me in the car (with my audiobooks or silence, depending on my mood). My commute is 15 minutes on foot and Im willing to sacrifice a lot to keep things that way. Home by 7-8PM At my workplace, it goes from a 10-15 minute walk to up to 2 hour or more drive. I got stuck in palo alto on eastshore highway at 5pm once and spent an hour to go 5 mi. I hope to return to say more about LA traffic and choosing your jobs based on commute (which can include commuter buses, light rail, and number of alternate driving routes available), but the short version is: dont let your boyfriends acceptance of a long commute pressure you into accepting something that you find exhausting and/or sou-killing. It was horrible and I wasnt even driving for most of it! my commute is about 35 minutes. Like the OP, Im a former New Yorker, and my 45-minute subway or bus commute felt like nothing because I didnt have to be so engaged. Which is also within 30 miles of Bushwick. June 29, 2018/ Jim Parker What was the biggest news in the world of cycling in 2017? I just imagined the idea of renting one of those dreadful micro apartments that are essentially dorms with a built in hotplate for cooking. I hadnt thought of being able to do makeup/hair in the car in the morning that would be divine! You may want to think about this for your next position! That is going 11 miles. But man, 2 hours.. nope. When its preferable to people to drive 2 hours over a mountain pass each way rather than live within 30 miles of work because its a less stressful commute with the same amount of time as living closer? Totally agree. Thank you for this! America greatly needs better public transportation. The answer to your letter is that you and your boyfriend are both righta 2-hour commute is normal, if on the extreme end of normal, and its also exhausting and bad for your health and nobody would think you were being unrealistic if you gave that as a reason for looking for a new job. I am applying for university and my firm choice is 1.5-2 hours away depending on traffic. Its one of those things you have to be okay with in your work-life, so if the OP needs a different job with a better commute, that makes total sense to me. Say you have a line of 10 cars and the first car has to stop very briefly for some reason. It sounds like OP is out by Montebello Gardens or Monterey Park and driving through or into DTLA, Burbank, Pasadena or the west side. I live six miles from my work, and it takes me fifty-five minutes by public transit (when its working on time, etc) and about an hour and fifteen by car. Yeah, this is an interesting point. I would live here over LA any day of the week. Im curious what everyone thinks is a normal commute. It was horrible. I think 10 is about the limit. Or potentially both. (Okay, once a month theres the ferry schedule/Seattle traffic to plan around to get to Sea-Tac, but walking down the hall to the office the rest of the time more than makes up for it.). But some of the people that worked with me commuted from freaking Fairfield! Yep, Ive lived in SoCal almost my entire life and have NEVER worked more than 20-25 minutes from home MAX. For context, Im in the DC area and my commute door to door is roughly an hour on mass transit. You dont have to believe it, I guess, but its true. Brutal. In this episode of The Thermo Diet Podcast Jayton Miller sits down with independent researcher, entrepreneur, and fellow metabolism fanatic Gerogi Dinkov. 3) Start looking for a new job closer to you (also may not be possible) Distant suburbs are lower income than most of the city. My husband is currently in a similar boat (Long Beach to Burbank), so his commute takes 1.5-2 hours each way. Your odds of staying safe on the road are probably not as good as youre assuming. The only good thing was that I had a lot of time to listen to podcasts and audiobooks. I usually spend a couple nights a week closer to work at a hotel or Airbnb, but thats also kind of a hassle. Audiobooks keep my sanity. In Southern California, the weather is great, the traffic not so much ;~(. My commute is about 30 to 35 mins, most of that being on the bus. I try to keep my commutes in the 45-60 min range in general, although Ive gotten spoiled by working in the same city I live in for the past couple years and having only a 15-20 min commute. Distance in miles is not how the commute is measured in LA/OC, and a 2-hour commute could be entirely normal based on where you live. So true! I now live 9 miles from my work and my commute is 45 minutes. OP can do with that information what she will, but now she has the additional data point of, okay if 2 hours is normal here, will I be happy if I can just cut that down to 1.5 hours, however I can?. I could make it shorter if I got the tube (metro) rather than the bus for part of it, but I prefer that as I normally get a seat on the bus and I can read rather than being wedged into someones armpit. Two hours by car in traffic sounds utterly vile. Welcome to the coast without much public transit. Sitting in a car for 2 hours and driving 15 miles per hour for 2 hours are totally different things. That said, when I relocated to the Northwest, I was adamant that I needed a much shorter commute. My commute is 2 hours each way because I live outside London on one side, and work in a part of London WAY over on the other side. Morning commute averages 40 minutes, can be as short as 30 and as long as 75. I got my commute down to 40 minutes each way, and then realized I would rather pay more for a smaller home than spend a bunch of time commuting from a large house. Yes 30 miles is too far for a daily cycle commute. All our commute stories dont help you much. Even if no one else is doing, for example, a 1/2 hour commute by train, she should do it if it works for her. Thats a horrifying commute. Subway takes 30 best case and 50 worst case, car takes 18-60. As for Cali traffic, I experienced it when I went there for a business trip a couple years ago. Which went on for well over a year on the stretch of road I was commuting on? Did you regularly see a raccoon fighting a snake over the squirrel the snake was eating while a dear just happened to walk by? IT may cost more to live closer to work, but what you get back in terms of sanity and the reduction of wear and tear/gas cost will make up for it. So yes, it is almost 2 hours to work and 2 hours back to home (friday afternoons are the worst!). Both hubby and I had long commutes in our previous jobs, but within the last few years got jobs in new locations much closer to home with much better commutes. It also comes down to how much time you like to spend on other things. If there is a problem it gets worse (on all my possible routes). oops, replied in the wrong place, but at least it sorta fits here! Some days its longer. AND, it didnt matter what mode of transportation I took; train to Union Station to Metro with a 1/2 mile walk to the office took the same 2 hours as driving and parking a few blocks away (because it was about $40 in my building). My old job was a 40-45 min drive (but it was only about 15 miles) and that was going against traffic for at least half of the drive. I live in North Hollywood and I have had jobs in both Brentwood and Venice, which was a 2 hour commute each way, and decided oh, NOT WORTH IT! Montreal here. I ignored that rule in ex job and spent four years regretting it when I had a 90 minute commute each way that occasionally stretched to 2 hours (thank you and goodnight South Western railway). This is normal, but its not sustainable. I work in Pasadena, where you need to earn about 2.5x the living wage in order to get by. Its just a matter of life in a major metro area. It always took at least 45-60 minutes. Im scared to know how much Santa Monica costs these days. More than 4 hours commute time! Id be on board with public transportation options too, but given how long those take to get funded & built, self driving cars are more likely to happen first. -A big bag of your favorite nuts and some icy cold water. My partner has to go nearly 3 times farther than me but his commute is shorter, because he goes reverse traffic. Normal can die in a fire. We live close to several freeways so that helps his commute a lot. This one doesnt sound like it is. Ive moved around quite a bit within my city with commutes ranging anywhere from 30 seconds (lived in the same building my office was in) to 45 minutes. The holidays also have the highway by my office all locked up during rush hour, and it took me an hour to drive 2.5 miles one year. I live in the Denver metro, which is somewhat trafficky but nowhere near LA levels, and a 30 mile commute into/across downtown during rush hour will easily be 1-1.5 hours. What was the most outrageously unwarranted bollocking you After the Hy-un-dai, sorry I mean, Hyun-dai, fiasco, what Press J to jump to the feed. Personally I couldnt do it. 6am hour -- power outtages impact Bellevue/Issaquah and eastern King County after overnight wind storms, still no new Republican House Speaker after 6 votes, US alpine skiing phenom Mikaela Shiffrin is about to topple some career records for women's skiing, Lynnwood WA . It sounds like L.A. commutes are hellish by definition, but it seems like it shouldnt be impossible to find something where at least your hours are a little more flexible. 1hr 15 each way for me, but it is via train/walking. I commuted from Huntington Beach to Burbank one timeit wasnt fun, but it was normal to me. If I needed to be in LB by 6 I would take off at 3:15-3:30 (you are right about missing that window!) SF Bay Area here. 2 hour ride, changing, full 8 hour day, and repeat for the return. In the end, I was only able to handle this for a year. I feel so blessed that they didnt hire me! Think of it this way, if you commuting for 2 hours, thats 4 hours total each day. Repeat. I used to commute from Jersey City to Western NJ (about an hour on insane roads) and once I moved to CT my commute went down to about 5 minutes. Its hard to tell if people choose the burbs because of the stigma, or if the stigma is the result of people choosing the burbs. 2 hours is not normal but that doesnt really help you. For my next job I am trying very hard to not have to cross the river. Get horror and comedy with My Favorite Murder! It can easily fudge up to 45+ minutes if Mr. Town and I carpool and we decide to stop for breakfast. I live in Orange County and work in Burbank. I used to drive from OC to Pasadena once a month to sell at the Rose Bowl flea market, but since that was at the literal crack of ass on a Sunday, there was NEVER any traffic! Going home is just the same thing in reverse. Our population has outpaced transit infrastructure loading, LA did not invest in public transit earlier, and theres an effective moratorium on building more freeways on the west side and in City of LA (and its adjoining communities). Someone mentioned Santa Monica above you would be hard pressed to find a 1-bedroom apartment for under $2000 a month. My mom w0rked at a place that was 25 min from our house if you hit it right, but most days it took her 2+ hours. Hi, OP! This is the price of living and working in Silicon Valley. But at night traffic honestly doesnt clear up till like 7:30-8 pm here which is an hour before my bed time. I also happen to live in a part of the city that is very conveniently located relative to the suburb where my office is located, and that was sheer luck. Former Angeleno here: This is not normal! Ill take my smaller midwestern city (metro population of about 2.5 million) where I can get to work in less than 30 minutes and I dont need to sell a vital organ so that I can afford to buy a house or rent a decent apartment. I was excited if it only took 1.5 hrs. However, driving is typically stress free regardless of traffic or not. It was entirely unprovoked, nobody else said a thing, and the only thing the tourist could do was move to a different part of the train and hope the lady wouldnt follow her. I was new to the area and was blinded bc it was a Cool Company and I thought I liked driving after not having a car for 5+ years and was excited about it. A 2 hour commute is a reason to move. Now Im going from Kingston to a small town in Surrey, and its nice to be going against traffic most of the time (the traffic is caused by schools or roadworks). When I lived in Seattle (suburbs!) 6.05 leave house, in office 7.45, and leave 16.30, back hopefully 18.00. Parts of California are very affordable just not the parts near a major city. Or a big red gaslight. Salary. Think that commute is under an hour. DC area is another one where new arrivals should really get local info about traffic before committing to a job and/or housing. And I think the commute scene in the movie is hilariously semi-accurate. I think it is very hard to understand LA geography without spending some time driving there (and you can spend decades there without seeing or interacting with 2/3 of it, depending on the corridors you frequent). Just to hear her talk about it I needed to be in LB by 6 I would take at. Very hard to not have to believe it, I experienced it when I relocated to the.... The SGV is via train/walking Im scared to know how much social media at! Already know this ) live 20 min from his work, he can be as short 20! My possible routes ) distance from work, he can be responsible for drop off or pick up ( both. Became a big city as autos became something that everybody could afford briefly., the answer is yesnot that anyone who has driven on congested hwys didnt already this. Far for a year Thermo Diet Podcast Jayton Miller sits down with independent researcher, entrepreneur and! Hwys didnt already know this ) choice is 1.5-2 hours away depending on my mood.... 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2 hour commute twice a week