Antonimina - Hosts Marriages and Deaths for 1889 & 1903. Morti 1612-1786. Birth. I will be visiting Reggio Calabria in 3 weeks and I am curious to know if my ancestors are from Reggio Calabria. Matrimoni 1867-1868, 1870-1934. Matrimoni 1921-1952. Morti 1727-1739, 1775-1826. Matrimoni 1755-1801, 1803-1913, 1919-1938. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Sperato: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1611-1638, 1678-1693, 1697-1712. Effective use of church records includes the following strategies: When you find an ancestors birth or baptismal record, search for the births of siblings. - Battesimi 1802-1835. Ben Vanrijswijk, Arcipretale S.M. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria della Misericordia (Salice) Parish Records: Battesimi 1816-1861, 1869-1920. Matrimoni 1809-1929. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Nicola dei Bianchi Parish Records: Battesimi 1629-1678, 1719-1743, 1747-1781. Looking for information on gr grandmother Paolina Marra. Parish Records: Battesimi 1629-1646, 1648-1934. Ruba in domanio 1796. Processetti 1824-1865. Battesimi, Matrimoni, e Morti 1839-1865, 1870-1878. I have been researching for 14 years and have gotten no where. Matrimoni 1929-1939. Calabrian Genealogy - Records Of Italy Birth Records State Civil records of birth are called an Atti di Nati or Atti di Nascita. For writing your letter in Italian, use the translated questions and phrases in this Italy Letter Writing Guide. Antonimina Genealogy Resources - Il Circolo Antoniminesi. Morti 1673-1948. Their was a Brother who returned to Pallizzi and had more children . Cresime 1784-1825. Matrimoni 1651-1655. Matrimoni 1671-1682, 1731-1736, 1747-1827, 1837-1840, 1855-1876. Morti 1738-1820. My grandfather (Giuseppes father was Francesco Guzzi. Matrioni 1674-1819. Use this. Morti 1789-1797. Morti 1848-1864, 1875-1942. Matrimoni 1679-1722, 1724-1759, 1792-1849, 1858-1901, 1904-1922, 1929-1949. Morti 1595-1945. Matrimoni 1597-1661. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria della Consolazione (Eremo) Parish Records: Battesimi 1789-1797. However, they usually contain fewer details. - Matrimoni 1809-1858. Morti 1615-1675, 1696-1797. He was born May 29, 1871, died October 20, 1925. Italy Heritage Genealogy Records in the Province of Reggio Calabria The Province was included in the Kingdom of Naples, as the Province of "Calabria UIteriore Prima", and was subdivided into the following Districts: Reggio, Gerace e Palmi, established in 1806. Cresime 1686. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Michele Arcangelo (Sambatello) Parish Records: Battesimi 1597-1678, 1682-1747. Morti 1878-1940. Matrimoni 1597-1716. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1754-1931. Sometimes a certificate like this attached to the birth act. Thank you. Antonimina - Hosts Marriages and Deaths for 1889 & 1903. Morti 1811-1865. Morti 1753-1818. Immigrated from Reggio Calabria to United States, then Canada.Possibly at different times. Morti 1621-1673, 1675-1697, 1705-1778. Morti 1636-1743, 1746-1819. Cresime 1748, 1757, 1792-1800. Ben Vanrijswijk, Indexed Civil Records: Matrimoni 1811-1865. Matrimoni 1631-1639, 1695-1736, 1788-1800, 1846-1875, 1878-1930. Matrimoni 1598-1687, 1712-1813. that it present us and that it declare of to give to this baby the first name of ____________. Ben Vanrijswijk, Catasto Onciaro 1746-1754. - Battesimi 1647-1746, 1766-1820. Morti 1674-1747, 1765-1819. Morti 1741-1777, 1802-1849, 1869-1919. 27 Aug 1889. della Cattolica: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1777-1824. Cresime 1617-1746. Matrimoni 1750-1819. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Filippo e Giacomo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1596-1666, 1671-1818. Matrimoni 1777-1929. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS Giovanni Nep. Matrimoni 1590-1837. (1892-1950). HI, My father, Giuseppe Totino, was born in Reggio Calabria on December 7, 1911. But relatives are allowed request them for genealogy. Ben Vanrijswijk, San Gregorio: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1750-1822. Morti 1612-1786. Civil officials will generally answer correspondence in Italian. Ben Vanrijswijk, Sottocomune di Mosorrofa: Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. - Battesimi 1596-1914. "Morti" are deaths. Morti 1809-1865. See. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Morti 1687-1819. Matrimoni 1818-1833, 1879-1910. They were first cousins. Matrimoni 1611-1646, 1712-1744 & 1757. Vital Records are documents such as birth, death or marriage certificates. Civil Records in Palmi In towns and villages of Calabria and in Reggio Calabria province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Palmi town hall archives as of that date. - Battesimi 1738-1818. Morti 1679-1819. Morti 1713-1878. Matrimoni 1750-1822. Matrimoni 1769-1785. Morti 1628-1687, 1705-1763, 1777-1819. - Battesimi 1678-1819. Ardore, Reggio Calabria. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Spirito Santo (Pietrapennata) Parish Records: Battesimi 1864-1941. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS. Morti 1877-1937. If a midwife was present (as with the birth act to the left), her name would be on the document as the person who presented the baby for registration. I am trying to see if there are any Carroccis still in Caulonia, Reggio, Calabria. 02 Dec 1980 Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA, I am in Australia and looking for any descendants of the Ielasi family from Plati & Careri. Morti 1673-1948. I am looking for information about my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather. He is supposed to be from Reggio, Calabria. Morti 1636-1743, 1746-1819. Stato dell Anime 1801. Ben Vanrijswijk, Lookup Database Civil Death Records 1809-1865. Morti 1632-1666, 1668-1702, 1705-1857, 1859-1991. Morti 1811-1865. Matrimoni 1702-1726, 1742-1806, 1808-1881, 1901-1937. Officials might or might not respond. I can certainly use your help my daughter is a family history specialist and she cant find it either, My grandfather was born in Reggio calabria jiossa marinna 1910.I know he had a brother.His name was Luigi I think he lived in the state ssomewhere.He pasted.I would like to know if theres family. Matrimoni 1764-1788, 1800-1850. - Nati 1784-1808, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865. Cresime 1746-1784. Matrimoni 1590-1837. Morti 1689-1752, 1780-1781, 1818-1831, 1834-1925. Morti 1709-1818. This article will teach you methods for locating and searching these two record groups. Morti 1657-1675, 1750-1766, 1777-1782, 1795-1820. Morti 1610-1702, 1745-1820. Matrimoni 1743-1820. Matrimoni 1599-1637, 1688-1701, 1763-1819. Matrimoni 1735-1827. Morti 1663-1664, 1914-1939. - Battesimi 1743-1820. Morti 1917-1960. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1594-1608, 1626-1629, 1634-1638, 1654-1681, 1690-1693, 1697-1700, 1708-1710, 1731-1758, 1762-1788, 1812-1813, 1825-1912, 1916-1945. For writing your letter in Italian, use the translated questions and phrases in this Italy Letter Writing Guide. Morti 1750-1817, 1819-1839, 1878-1908, 1911-1943. there are several large Ielasi families here and I am attempting to join-the-dots (ambitious I know)! Cresime 1656-1676, 1746-1768. Morti 1800-1811, 1841-1865. - Battesimi 1777-1824. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Trifonio Respicio e Ninfa Parish Records: Battesimi 1744-1819. Matrimoni 1750-1822. Matrimoni 1803-1809. Hotel Continental. A birth act is a record that a birth has taken place and can provide more information on the family of the baby. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria di Loreto Parish Records: Battesimi 1631-1645, 1651-1714, 1741-1750, 1752-1760, 1764-1779, 1789-1805, 1807-1852, 1854-1916. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Cresime 1720. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria e i XII Apostoli Parish Records: Battesimi 1783, 1827-1836, 1848-1939. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you. Morti 1802-1833. : Births 1809-1910. My great grandfather was born in Nyc in 1898. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Spirito Santo : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. 1634-1805. Matrimoni 1750-1819. Her father: Filipo Tramontano(Tramontana?). Ben Vanrijswijk, Indexed Parish Records: Battesimi 1631-1745, 1748-1842. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Morti 1749-1819. I am looking for any family informaiton from the decendants of Sebasitano Romeo and his wife Margherita Cutrupi especially if anyone has any information? 4 - Complete copy of the birth record ( Copia integrale dell'atto di nascita) The complete copy is a certified copy of the birth record containing all the entries listed on its civil registry office: certifies the surname, first name, additional first names, sex, place of birth, hour, day, month and year of birth, city of birth registration . Cresime 1661, 1672. Stato delle Anime 1877. Matrimoni 1597-1938. Matrimoni 1869-1929, 1935-1948. Matrimoni 1769-1785. Our Blog. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1786-1836. Morti 1628-1755. To find a microfilm: Baptism, marriage, and death records may be searched by contacting or visiting local parish or diocese archives in Italy. I know that Romeo is a very common name in that region, but am hoping to someday connect with distant family there. Morti 1754-1765, 1791-1830, 1838-1856, 1858-1968. They later lived in Marsala and Mazzara. Morti 1753-1765, 1783. Calabria is one of the few areas of southern Italy that has a non-Italian minority: a substantial number of Albanians fled the Turkish conquest of their homeland in the 15th and 16th centuries and settled there. Morti 1750-1819. Morti 1736-1772, 1774-1922. My grandparents were Maria Rosa Romeo( 1908-1998) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Fabbrizo Bova. Matrimoni 1596-1663, 1671-1818. Morti 1832-1938. In my presence _____Name_______ and civil records officer of Stato delle Anime 1917. Reason for the request (family history or medical). Matrimoni 1743-1820. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Paolo Apostolo Parish Records: Battesimi 1905-1946. Morti 1693-1820. Matrimoni 1693-1703, 1795-1840. Indexes of Notary Serafini Costantino years 1667-1670 Manoppello [PE] Sant'Eusanio & Casentino, early 1500's. Sulmona 1579: Burghitto | Borgo of Sant'Agata | Borgo of Santa . Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Sebastiano (Amendolea) Parish Records: Battesimi 1870-1938. Marriages 1810-1910. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria della Consolazione (Eremo): Indexed Records - Battesimi 1794-1822. My mother was born there in 1911. 3. Morti 1753-1855, 1878-1933. Feb 1 - Feb 2. Tourist Guide Moses Direct City Tours from $104.62 $99.39 per group (up to 15) Morti 1594-1781. Indice del Catasto 1664. Cresime 1746-1786. Cresime 1617, 1629, 1636, 1646, 1665. Morti 1767-1768, 1802-1808, 1823-1905, 1913-1930. My grandfather has a sister Amalia. This museum in particular is only a short walk from the Argonese Castle and is a perfect place to visit whilst on a walking tour of the city. Sincerely, Denise, looking for info for Vito Degazio who was born in 1885. These birth acts vary slightly depending on the year issued and where they were issued but the above is an approximate translation. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Parish Records: Battesimi 1720-1810. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Lucia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1629-1820. e Filippo Neri (Arangea) Parish Records: Battesimi 1882-1951. Foudlings 1832-1853, 1855-1895. Catasto Onciario 1748. The original settlement of Rhegion (Latin Rhegium) was founded c. 720 bc by Greek colonists from Chalcis as a daughter city to Zankle (ancient name of Messina). Morti 1651-1681, 1695-1734, 1736-1784, 1788-1859, 1878-1950. Matrimoni 1702-1820. My great grandfather Louis Bottino came over from Reggio Calabria in 1913. Matrimoni 1809-1903. Morti 1689-1752. Her married name was Theresa Logano. Can not confirm death or return to Italy. Nancy. - Battesimi 1765-1782. Morti 1713-1718, 1732-1741, 1797-1839, 1843-1845. They are far less accessible from abroad (and even not easy to browse and to read if you are not used and skilled) but our local genealogist can research the church archives of Reggio Calabria on your behalf. Africo Births & Marriages Browse Rootsweb for Africo, Reggio Calabria, Italy online records including marriages, births and surnames. The presentation and the declaration above mentioned it is made in the presence of ____Name_____ of age __, ____profession____ and of ____Name______ of age __ __________, ______ resident of_______. 17 Jun 1891 Torre di Ruggiero, Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1859-1926. Downloadable PDF and Images. Next picture shows the demographic trends in Reggio Calabria from the Italian Unification(1861). Deceased children were not listed. This fascinating area in the heart of the Mediterranean, bordered by two seas for a total 200km coastlines, with forests and waterfalls in the Aspromonte National Park, as well as cultural traces of 3000 years' history going back to the earliest Greek settlements in Italy, offers a unique, enchanting experience to visitors. Cresime 1656-1676, 1746-1768. Matrimoni 1597-1601, 1612-1709, 1711-1736, 1738-1785. Morti 1811-1865. : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Reggio Calabria follow this link). Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, San Pantaleone: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1802-1835. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria Maddalena Parish Records: Battesimi 1720-1755, 1758-1806, 1810-1941. They are from Cirella and Plati. Stato delle Anime 1696-1717. Giacomo Arcidiaco e Lionet Munaro, Dittereale S.M. Morti 1615-1673, 1678-1724, 1748-1800, 1805-1837, 1855-1952. Matrimoni 1878-1929. My Grandfather (their son) was Ferdinando Cardella. Demographics - Number of Inhabitants. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Antonio Abate (Terreti) Parish Records: Battesimi 1642-1685, 1720-1742, 1796-1845, 1847-1878. Trying to find relatives of my Grandfather, Savario Delfino, born 1881 in Reggio Calabria, Italy. Morti 1702-1810. Matrimoni 1597-1716, 1883-1889, 1929-1939. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Croce (Favazzina) Parish Records: Battesimi 1916-1955. - Battesimi 1597-1747. Indexed Births 1866-1899, Marriages 1866-1910. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1657-1675, 1703-1724, 1750-1795. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria Cattolica dei Greci Parish Records: Battesimi 1856-1923, Battesimi, Matrimoni, e Morti 1777-1794, 1808-1824. It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Reggio Calabria province are: Thank you for trying to help us out. Ben Vanrijswijk, State Civil: Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1858. Both are from Bova, Italy and landed in this country on August 3, 1928 or 1938. Apice Phone Listings Searh the Apice, Provincia di Benevento, Italy phone listings. Morti 1744-1819. Write a brief request in Italian to the proper church using this address as guide replacing the information in parentheses: Write your request in Italian whenever possible. Matrimoni 1905-1937. Morti 1767-1808. Your request may be forwarded if the records have been sent to the tribunale or the provincia. Matrimoni 1834-1870. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Gaetano (Melia) Parish Records: Battesimi 1907-1966. Atti di Nascita and Atto di Nati are two names for the state civil regitration records of birth. Any insight would be great. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giovanni Battista (Pellaro) Parish Records: Battesimi 1736-1743, 1777-1778, 1873-1924.
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reggio calabria, italy birth records